Applied Regression Analysis and Other Multivariable Methods | |
David G. Kleinbaum, Lawrence L. Kupper, Keith E. Muller, Azhar Nizam(1997) 回帰分析の授業お勧めの書籍。線形回帰とロジスティック回帰について説明が詳細にされており、辞書的な利用も便利。 複数の講義で用いられる。 - BIO211:Regression and Analysis of Variance in Experimental Research (2009)、Dr. Paul Catalano - BIO213:Applied Multiple Regression for Clinical Research (2009)、Dr. E John Orav |
Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine | |
MR Gold (Ed) (2005) RDS282:Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Cost-Benefit Analysis in Public Health and Medicine (Biostatsの必修) SC Resch, PhD MPH MS ScD |
Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century | |
Institute of Medicine (2001) HPM516d:Quality Improvement in Health Care (2009) Drs LL Leape and EC Schneider |
Demographic Methods | |
Andrew Hinde (1998) GHP220:Introduction to Demographic Methods (2009) Dr Marcia Castro |
Demography: Measuring and Modeling Population Processes | |
Preston SH, Heuveline P and Guillot M (2000) GHP220:Introduction to Demographic Methods (2009) Dr Marcia Castro |
Econometric Analysis | |
WH Greene(2008) GHP525:Econometrics for Health Policy (2010) Dr Günther Fink |
Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data | |
JM Wooldridge (2010) GHP525:Econometrics for Health Policy (2010) Dr Günther Fink |
Econometrics | |
Fumio Hayashi (2000) 林文夫一橋大学教授の著 GHP525:Econometrics for Health Policy (2010) Dr Günther Fink |
Evidence-Based Public Health | |
RC Brownson, EA Baker, TL Leet, KN Gillespie (2010) ID265:The Practice of Quantitative Methods (2009) Drs MA Testa and DC Simonson |
Fundamentals of Biostatistics | |
HSPHおよびHarvard Med School教授のDr Bernard Rosnerの著作(2010) 全員必修の統計学の教科書。確率、仮説検定、回帰分析などの基本的部分を、医学研究の事例を用いながら丁寧に解説している。 BIO 201:Introduction to Statistical Methods (2008) Kimberlee Gauvreau, ScD |
Getting Health Reform Right a Guide to Improving Performance and Equity | |
Roberts M, Hsiao W, Berman P and M Reich (2008) GHP244:Health Sector Reform: A Worldwide Perspective (2009) Thomas Bossert, PhD |
Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach | |
Jeffrey Wooldridge (2008) GHP525:Econometrics for Health Policy (2010) Dr Günther Fink |
Introductory Statistics with R | |
Peter Dalgaard (2008) BIO503:Introduction to Programming and Statistical Modeling in R (2008) Dr. Aedin Culhane |
Measuring Mortality, Fertility, and Natural Increase: A Self-Teaching Guide to Elementary Measures | |
James A. Palmore, Robert W. Gardner (1994) GHP220:Introduction to Demographic Methods(2009) Dr Marcia Castro |
Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programme | |
MF Drummond、MJ Sculpher、GW Torrance、BJ O'brien他 (2005) RDS282:Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Cost-Benefit Analysis in Public Health and Medicine (Biostatsの必修) SC Resch, PhD MPH MS ScD |
Modern Epidemiology | |
Kenneth J. Rothman, Sander Greenland, Timothy L. Lash (2007) EPI202:Elements of Epidemiologic Research (2008) Murray Mittleman, MD, DrPH |
Nutritional Epidemiology | |
HSPHおよびHarvard Med School教授のWalter Willettの著 (1998) ID214:Nutritional Epidemiology Prof Walter Willett |
Obesity Epidemiology | |
HSPH・Harvard Med School教授のFB Huによる著作(2008) ID537:Obesity Epidemiology Dr FB Hu |
Patient Safety | |
Charles Vincent (2010) HPM516d:Quality Improvement in Health Care (2009) Drs LL Leape and EC Schneider |
Prices & Choices: Microeconomic Vignettes | |
HSPH Professor of Health PolicyであるDr Hemenway自身の著(1993) HPM206:Economic Analysis (2008) Dr David Hemenway |
Principles of Biostatistics | |
HSPH FacultyのDrs Kimberlee Gauvreau, Marcello Paganoによる著 (2001) 医学、生物統計の入門書。統計・確立のコンセプトを平易な英語とグラフで説明してる。難解な数式も比較的少なく、挫折せずに最後まで読めるので初心者にはお勧め。 BIO200:Principles of Biostatistics Dr DP Harrington |
Public Health Law: Power, Duty, Restraint | |
Lawrence O. Gostin (2008) HPM213:Public Health Law (2009) Michelle Mello, JD, PhD, MPhil |
S-PLUSによる統計解析 | |
W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley. Modern Applied Statistics with S. 4th Edition (Springer、2002)の訳本。 原著が次の講義で用いられた。 BIO503:Introduction to Programming and Statistical Modeling in R (2008) by Dr. Aedin Culhane |
SAS Programming by Example | |
R Cody and R Pass(1995) BIO111:Introduction to Programming in SAS (2008) Terence Fenton, Ed.D |
Social Epidemiology | |
HSPH教授として活躍中のLF Berkman and I Kawachi (Eds) (2000) SHH201:Society and Health (2009) Ichiro Kawachi, MD PhD |
Statistical Modeling for Biomedical Researchers: A Simple Introduction to the Analysis of Complex Data | |
William D. Dupontの著(2002、2009)。 BIO210:Rates and Proportions (2008) Dr Marcello Paganoによる講義 |
Strategic Marketing For Health Care Organizations: Building A Customer-Driven Health System | |
Philip Kotler, Joel Shalowitz, Robert J. Stevens (2003) HPM233-01:STRATEGIC MARKETING MANAGEMENT (2010) Vicki Amalfitano, MBA Janet Porter, PhD |
The Little SAS Book: A Primer | |
Delwich LD, Slaughter SJ (2008) EPI204:Analysis of case-control and cohort studies (2009) Dr. Donna Spiegelman |